Springtime in Colorado
Yesterday I enjoyed near-perfect running conditions as I ran a 25-mile loop of the Quad Rock 50 course. A bit overcast, but not too cold. Some sunny spots, but nothing uncomfortable. One of those days when there's no place you'd rather be than on the trail.
Welcome to springtime in Colorado!
And, it turns out it was good I got my long run in yesterday, because this is what we woke up to today. Since I snapped this photo early this morning, 5 more inches have blanketed our backyard so far.
I know, I know...I love to run whatever the weather may be, but at this time in the year I am so ready for smooth running on dry trails, so I feel lucky to have gotten my miles in yesterday. Hopefully the sun will come out again tomorrow and we'll have perfect conditions again, 'til the snow starts falling this winter.
See you on the trail!