Black-Tie Trailrunning: FCTR Towers Road Winter Formal
If you've been a runner for any length of time, you've encountered THAT person. You've probably met him or her many times before, the person who can't stop talking about how much he or she HATES to run, that it's tedious, that it's no fun, that it's boring.
Last night was the kind of run that proves all those people completely wrong.
It was the first annual Fort Collins Trailrunners' Winter Formal, consisting of a run up Towers Road after dark, complete with champagne, wine and cheese, and battery-powered "mood lighting" on our favorite local hill. Despite the bone-chilling wind, we made merry and enjoyed a celebratory toast before heading back down Towers, glittering for the occasion as well -- with ice!
Yes, Alex carried that table all the way up Towers Road in the snow and ice!
Champagne (we don't mess around!) as well as Vertical Epic Ale, courtesy of local vertical junkie Pete.
Fort Collins Trailrunners in our Winter Formal finery.
Happy new year, everyone... and see you on the trail!