Arthur's Rock Hill Repeats
As Sarah and I continue to refine our training loop to prepare ourselves for the HURT 100, we've had a few surprises.
One came today, when (in an effort to get in as many vertical feet as possible) we headed out to the Arthur's Rock trail to do some hill repeats. The funny surprise? Repeating this one hill actually earned us fewer vertical feet than our usual 20-mile loop.
One more time up Arthur's Rock!
Ah, well -- at least we got some quality running in with our friend Cat, who (as a veteran 100-miler and finisher of the Leadville Trail 100) had some very useful tips for us, and was great company on the trail. We hope she'll run with us again, even though we tortured her by going up Arthur's Rock not once, not twice, but THREE times today. God bless her!
See you on the trail!