Ouzel Lake and Bluebird Lake in July
To round out the vacation days I've taken this week, I opted for another trip to Rocky Mountain National Park, this time to Wild Basin. Despite the forecast for heavy rain, I had a great morning on the trails, and got in some wonderful climbing miles...finishing just as the sky opened and the rain poured down.
Gorgeous views from Bluebird Lake.
Photos don't ever do the mountains justice, but I took some anyway, as I did on Monday's run up to Sky Pond and Lake Haiyaha. So, here are a few images from today's adventure...enjoy!
Ouzel Falls.
A forested trail between Ouzel Falls and the higher altitudes of Ouzel Lake.
Ever upward, the forest thins as I near Ouzel Lake.
A surprising variety of wildflowers were still in bloom.
Marmots were out in large numbers today, too.
Ouzel Lake.
More wildflowers along the trail, between Ouzel Lake and Bluebird Lake.
Bluebird Lake (10,978 feet)
Storm clouds rolled in, but the hard rain held off 'til I made it back to the car.
Watch for lightning, and I'll see you on the trail!