Sky Pond and Glacier Gorge-area Trails in July
I am taking some vacation days this week, so I made my way to the high country at Rocky Mountain National Park, specifically to the Glacier Gorge trailhead, which would enable me to play on gorgeous, high-altitude trails, but also allow me to bail out and cut the run short if my calf pain recommenced. It ended up being a great choice, and in the end I got in a solid 14 miles of running in spectacular scenery.
Photos don't ever do the mountains justice, but for what it's worth, here are a few images from today's adventure...
The view back, toward the trailhead. I saw a huge cow elk not far from here.
Steep scramble alongside a waterfall to reach Lake of Glass.
Lake of Glass, with steep cliffs all around.
Great wildflowers today!
A bit more climbing... almost to Sky Pond!
Sky Pond.
Descending back toward the trailhead, looking up toward the steep cliffs.
And, back over my shoulder from Sky Pond: the view back toward the trailhead.
Lake Haiyaha.
View along the trail from Lake Haiyaha to Bear Lake.
Signing off from the beautiful Rocky Mountains, I'll see you on the trail!